Fort Wayne Newborn Photographer | Emery

What a beautiful little girl! Her brothers really love her!!

What did you think when you first felt your baby move?  I was reminded of how amazing it is to feel your baby move. I had missed that feeling. 

What were your first thoughts when you saw your baby?  “I can’t believe we had a girl” “she’s perfect”.

What three words best describe your child?  Snuggle bug, sweetheart and beautiful.

What songs do you sing to your baby?  You are my sunshine, any song from Sound of Music. 

What books do you read to your baby?  My son reads the “That’s not my…” series to her. His favorite to read to her is “that’s not my snowman”

Does your baby have any nicknames?  Emy… from her brothers and Little lady… from her uncles.

What has been the most challenging part of bringing your baby home? What has been the most rewarding part?  Rewarding: seeing my boys sing, read and love on her and cuddling peacefully. Challenging: transitioning from 2 kids to 3, it’s a whole new dynamic… and being outnumbered. 

Was there anything you absolutely could not stand while you were pregnant?  Milk- always made me sick. 

Did you have any cravings while you were pregnant?  Anything from Tim Hortons. 

Did you find out the gender of your baby?  We were surprised! 

What was the best reaction you got when you shared that you were expecting?  All of the parents trying to call back after my oldest hung up on them. 

How did you tell your family that you were expecting?  We had my oldest son Westin call everyone and tell them that mommy was having a baby. He would literally call, tell them and hang up. We could hear questioning and “Wes!” In the background. 

How did your other children react when they met their new sibling?  They were over the moon. Westin wanted to hold her for long periods of time and give her lots of presents. Declan has more of a 5 second interest. 

If your baby has siblings, how did they respond when they found out they would be getting a new sibling?  Westin immediately said “mine think it’s a girl”and Declan just kept repeating baby. 

Did anything funny/unexpected happened since your baby came home?  There has been a pink explosion at my house. Other than that, nothing with Emery…. my boys however emptied their entire closet and I found them on the very top shelf. 

How does your baby sleep at night?  Pretty good so far. One 4 hour stretch and then 2-3 hours stretches. 

What milestones has your baby reached?  Actually rolled stomach to back when she turned two weeks. I caught it on video and couldn’t believe it! 

What is your favorite part of being a parent?  The smiles, hugs, and surprises. There is never a dull moment and every day teaches me something new. 

What is your child’s favorite food?  Only on the milk right now 🙂

What is your child’s favorite thing to do?  Sleep and cuddle.

Can you tell us a funny or memorable story about your birth experience?  This isn’t really funny, but my epidural went crazy so I actually passed out and missed the actual “birth”. I woke up about 15 minutes after she was born. 

How did your child get their name?  Nick picked it out. 

Fort Wayne Newborn Photographer | Legacy Portraits by Kayte |

Legacy Portraits by Kayte is a Fort Wayne newborn photographer located in northern Indiana. Kayte creates quality timeless images of your maternity bump, newborns, babies, children and the families that love them in Fort Wayne, Indiana and surrounding communities of Indianapolis and Chicago.