Fort Wayne Newborn Photographer | Cecila

Mommy and Daddy are loving their beautiful little girl!! What a beauty!!

What did you think when you first felt your baby move?  I was amazed. It was so nice to finally have  confirmation that something was alive in there.  

What were your first thoughts when you saw your baby?  I was amazed that this beautiful thing had just been inside my belly moments ago and now here she was looking at me. It was such a wonderful feeling. 

What three words best describe your child?  Smiley, talkative (well noisy since she can’t talk), and kissable.

What songs do you sing to your baby?  She is named after a song by Andrew McMahon and the wilderness, “Cecilia and the Satellite”, however she seems to really like “Brandy by Looking Glass” so I sing that to her a lot. 

What books do you read to your baby?  So far I have read her the “Very Hungry Caterpillar” and the “Tiger Who Came to Tea”. I decided they were perfect reads for her because they are both about animals who like to eat a lot and she eats all the time. 

Does your baby have any nicknames? Where did they come from?  Little bird. She makes noises all the time that sound like a baby bird. 

What has been the most challenging part of bringing your baby home? What has been the most rewarding part?  The most challenging thing has been getting out of my pajamas, my sleep schedule is a mess so napping is my new hobby. The most rewarding is the moments when Ceci smiles and laughs. I didn’t expect a newborn to smile so much and it’s such a great feeling to know that she is my happy baby. 

Was there anything you absolutely could not stand while you were pregnant?  The only thing I couldn’t eat was chicken. I enjoyed it when I ate it but regretted it within minutes. 

Did you have any cravings while you were pregnant?  Jimmy Johns and sandwiches in general. 

Did you find out the gender of your baby? If so, did you do a special gender reveal?  Yes. We had a cookout and filled cupcakes with colored sprinkles. I think our family knew what was up when we were force feeding everyone cupcakes. 

What was the best reaction you got when you shared that you were expecting?  I feel like everyone had an equally good reaction. When we told everyone we were having a girl my mother-in-law screamed and jumped out of her seat. Her family is all boys so she was really excited to finally be able to buy girly clothes. 

How did you tell your family that you were expecting?  It was around Easter time. I bought everyone a bunny rabbit and attached a picture to it of the pregnancy test with a note that said “will you be my ___?” ( grandma, grandpa, uncle) 

How did your other children react when they met their new sibling?  She is an only child at the moment but her fur siblings seems pretty casual about the whole thing. 

Did anything funny/unexpected happened since your baby came home?  She spit up out of her nose. I felt really bad but it was kind of cute. 

How does your baby sleep at night?  Pretty well for the most part. She wakes up to eat every 3 hours or so. She’s my hungry little caterpillar. 

What milestones has your baby reached?  She has really good head control so she lifts up her head a lot. She also likes to hold my fingers and she can roll onto her side when she is sleeping. 

What is your favorite part of being a parent?  The love. The love my husband and I have for her and the love others have for her and the love that I hope that she has for me. It makes everything worth it. 

What is your child’s favorite thing to do?  Look around at the world and sleep. 

Can you tell us a funny or memorable story about your birth experience?  When she came out into the world so did a lot of fluid. It splashed all over the doctor and nurse. They had a good sense of humor about it. 

How did your child get their name?  She is named after a song my husband and I really like called “Cecilia and the Satellite”. It’s fitting she’s named after a song because so I am I. 

Fort Wayne Newborn Photographer | Legacy Portraits by Kayte |

Legacy Portraits by Kayte is a Fort Wayne newborn photographer located in northern Indiana. Kayte creates quality timeless images of your maternity bump, newborns, babies, children and the families that love them in Fort Wayne, Indiana and surrounding communities of Indianapolis and Chicago.