{ l o v e }

I took this picture at the beginning of the summer: it was a hot day and Audrina and I went for Coldstone. I’m not posting as much for the image as for the idea here. Fellow parents, as much as we hate to admit it, we are seriously forgetful! Our children suck the brains right out of us (at least that has been my experience!) There are moments when I think, “I will never forget this- how adorable she is, that she loves _____, hates to eat ______” But the truth is, as time goes by, we do forget!

I saw this concept posted by a friend and thought it was genius! Make it a point to remember your child’s “loves” each year by simply adding text to one of your favorite photos.  Display them in your home or tuck them away in an album or scrapbook. Someday, when Audrina is the one changing my diapers, I hope we can look back at them together and have some good laughs reminiscing about these amazing days.